Appointment of new director & directors' names for AGM

Page 1 of 1 Ref. PDI/BK-BS-034/2008 17 April 2008 To : President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Re.: Resolutions of the Board of directors' meeting, No. 03-2008. Referring to our letter of notice, ref. PDI/BK-BS-023/2008 of 4 April 2008,regarding the change of two major shareholders and the resignation of the directors who represented Umicore and Nyrstar, the board of directors of Padaeng Industry Public Company Limited at its meeting, No. 03-2008 has adopted the following resolutions: 1. Appointed Mr. Ahmed Bin Fahad Al-Mehiri, being a representative of Bali Ventures Limited, to be a director in place of Mr. Martin Hess who resigned for the remaining term effective from April 16, 2008 onwards. 2. Approved to propose for shareholders' approval in the up coming AGM on 23 April 2008 Mr. Madhu Koneru, being a representative of RAK Minerals & Metals Investments FZ-LLC, as a new director to replace Mr. Karel Vinck who resigned. 3. Approved to propose for shareholders' approval in the up coming AGM on 23 April 2008 Mr. Linley Davidson, being a representative of Bali Ventures Limited,as a new director to replace Mr. Gregory John McMillan whose name appeared in the agenda notes. 4. Approved to propose Mr. Karel Vinck for shareholders' approval in the up coming AGM on 23 April 2008 as an independent director in place of Mr.Jayavadh Bunnag whose name appeared in the agenda notes. 5. Acknowledged one additional director who is due to retire by rotation, namely Mr. Vinij Ongnegnun and approved to propose Mr. Vinij Ongnegnun for reelection in the up coming AGM on 23 April 2008. The proposed changes as aforesaid had duly been considered and recommended by the Nomination and Remuneration Committee of the Company. Please be notified accordingly. Yours truly, - Signature - (Mr. Surin Tanticharoenkiat) Board Secretary Board Secretary Division Tel. 02 695 9499 Ext. 9335 Fax 02 695 9493